Grounding monitoring includes wristband grounding monitoring, table pad grounding monitoring and equipment grounding monitoring. It uses resistance to detect the ground resistance of personnel, table pads, and equipment. If the circuit is broken or exceeds the threshold, an audible and visual alarm will be issued. It complies with ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021 Standard, and has a software monitoring system to view the parameters and status of grounding monitoring in real time, save and analyze exported data, and is widely used in electronic manufacturing, semiconductors, LCD screens and other fields.
Our company produces DC ion fans, AC ion fans, ion air guns, ion air rods, ion air nozzles, and ion air curtains, with complete varieties. The blown ion wind acts on the surface of the object, neutralizing static electricity on the surface of the object and protecting electronics. Components and personnel, good ion balance, fast static elimination time, and with the static electricity monitoring software, the status and data of the ion blower can be viewed in real time, and parameters can be set with the software. The product is excellent.
Good production requires a good environment, and it is very important to control the quality of the environment in real time. Our company produces thermohygrometers to detect ambient temperature and humidity, dust particle testers to detect workshop cleanliness, and light intensity detectors to detect environmental brightness. , and PM2.5 testers for workshop pollutants, etc. The equipment can communicate with the Internet, view data and status in real time, the threshold can be set, exceed the threshold alarm, the data can be queried and followed, and there are email reminders, which is very practical.